January 19th, 2021
READ Jonah 3 (it’s just 10 verses)
The Big Picture
Let’s be clear as to what is happening in the text. The text “does not tell us that God sent Jonah with the purpose of converting the populace into a saving, covenantal relationship with him. He was warning them about their evil, violent behavior and the inevitable consequences if they did not relent and change” (Keller, p89). So, what was happening here? Was this merely a lesson is social justice or was this a proclamation of the gospel that the people of Nineveh turned away God’s wrath and became followers of the one true God? Actually, the text encourages us to do both. Preach (proclaim) the truth of the Gospel while caring for the needs of the oppressed and marginalized. These two things are actually theologically inseparable. Jonah enjoyed preaching wrath. he did it with glee, not tears, because he couldn’t wait for God’s hammer to fall on the people of Nineveh. But God responded with mercy.
How To Pray
Ask God to bring to your mind any one who might need to be extended mercy by you. Pray for an opportunity to show mercy and kindness whether at work, home or church.
Go to the throne of grace with confidence where you find mercy when you ask for help in your time of need. Pray today for anything that is troubling your heart and ask God to extend mercy to you or to a situation in which you find yourself.
Today, let’s pray for the enemies of God who are persecuting the church around the world and as we pray for our enemies, pray for those who are experiencing extreme persecution for their faith. Countries deeply involved in the persecution of Christians: India, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Iran.