The Gathering – Women age 18 and up gather often throughout the year to build relationships with each other through food, fun, and fellowship. Please contact us if you are unable to come because of childcare.

The Getaway – Join us Friday, November 1st at 6.00PM through Saturday, November 2nd at 4:00PM for an overnight women’s retreat at Timber Pointe in Hudson to connect with other women through fellowship, conversation, food, games and messages by special live speaker, Cherith Logan. The Getaway is such an important part of our PBC Women’s ministry each year. We hope to see you! More info to come!

The Groundwork – The Groundwork is where we do the work to DIG deeper and GROW stronger in our faith as daughters of the King. For digging deeper, we recommend you watch the online teachings by Paige Brown when they are available on your own time. These teachings happen in the fall and spring for a short series of teaching through a specific book of the Bible. They are released for viewing on Wednesday mornings and are available for six days only. You are welcome to seek out other women also watching the teachings to create a small study group or watch party on your own.
Email for more information and to sign up for to receive the teaching via email when it’s available.

Upcoming PBC Women's Events

*Gathering: Thursday, April 3; 6:30pm
Comfy Comedy - come for a relaxed night of laughter and bring your best joke! We’ll have popcorn and mix-ins.

*Gathering: Thursday, June 19; 6:00pm.
Luau by the Lake Sharon Cutrell’s home - 12865 E 1100 North Rd; Chenoa.

GROUNDWORK study featuring teachings of Paige Brown: Teachings will be released every Wednesday at 10am in your email inbox. The new study of RUTH will be a 3-week study: January 15, 22, & 29. If you aren’t already signed up to receive the teachings, please email and she will send you the link to sign up for teachings. These studies are generally offered twice a year - fall and late winter/early spring.

MOM’S IN PRAYER: Thursday mornings during the school year at 9am. Meet upstairs at PBC. Childcare available.
The current year will begin on September 5 and every Thursday during the school year UNLESS there is no school.

These prayer times are not just for moms and not just for the women of PBC! Children need our prayers! Please come pray over our kids and our schools whenever you can make it. It’s an excellent program and they’ve already seen many answers to prayer. Please join us in praying for our kids in this evil world and spread the word to others who may be interested. Contact Renee Leger or Angel Arroyo for more info. (