
January 7th, 2021

Psalm 34:4 “I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

The Big Picture

I define fear as an utter dependence on something outside of ourselves, which we cannot control and which threatens us. For me, it hits in the early morning when my defenses are low, or disengaged, or based upon some bad or potentially bad news. The antidote is prayer to our God and Father who controls every atom in the universe and knows our fears. He might not relieve the circumstances every time but He will relieve the fear when we seek him with all of our heart. Sometimes the relief is instant; sometimes He works relief in me by adjusting my thinking. Either way, HE IS FAITHFUL and will deliver us from all our fears.

How To Pray

  • Over the past year, we have had many instances where we need to ask God to lessen our fears and unbelief as we seek to live by faith. Thank God for the victories you have experienced over the past several months.

  • We want to be about the next generation, but today, let’s spend time praying that we would value and love those who are in our church community.

  • Pray for the pastoral staff and directors as they lead us to do the work of the ministry together.