"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

~ Psalm 90:12

As we look ahead at the next few years, seeking God's guidance and asking for wisdom to see clearly the direction he would have us go, the elders of PBC believe that the Lord is calling us into a season of intentional and focused evangelism.  There are many important functions and ministries of a local church, but God has laid on our hearts the pressing weight of knowing the thousands of people right here in Livingston County who are our neighbors, co-workers, classmates, family and friends that do not know the saving power of Jesus Christ in their lives!

As an old-time preacher once said, "It's time to move the gospel from the seats to the streets!"

We are asking God for a harvest of over 500 conversions by the year 2020!

These are people who will move from death into life, from darkness into light, from slavery in sin to freedom in Christ!  As people are saved, we will see broken families reforged, broken marriages restored, addicts set free, hope granted and joy exploding all over our county.

This next season, “Beyond,” is a continuation of this 20/20 Vision. To learn more about the Beyond campaign, click here!